Dermapure Clinical UK
DermaQuest Chemical Peels Training
DermaQuest Chemical Peels Training
This interactive course will provide you with hands-on experience with our most enhanced DermaQuest treatments: Chemical Peels. Chemical peels are one of the most popular, non-invasive procedures carried out to rejuvenate, boost and clear the skin. Discover the confidence that will keep your clients on the edge of their seats and become an expert on how to choose the best treatment for any client.
Who is this course for: Practicing Aesthetic Practitioners, Nurses, Doctors, Medical Prerequisites: Beauty Therapy Level 4 minimum. DermaQuest Core Course assessment: Practical observation and written exam
Course Aim: To extend your aesthetic knowledge to the next level
Objectives: Understand and label the Anatomy & Physiology of the skin and the effects created by peeling Identify different skin conditions and how to treat with the correct peel State the contra indications and pre-treatment skin preparation specific to peeling.
Peel protocols to include: NEW C Infusion Peel & Hibiscus Flower Mandelic Peel. TCA, Modified Jessner, Salicylic, Retinol & Skin Brite Peel. Confidently prescribe the correct peel for client indications Post peel aftercare Build business success and increase revenue through increased knowledge and treatment options.
Beauty Therapy Level 3/4 Required